Academics suggest using "digital money" as a guarantee to create incentives for private sector to help clear bad debts.

Normally, there is a market mechanism to deal with this problem, such as banks separating these debts as bad debts because further legal action may not be worthwhile. Banks may also sell these debts to professionals, such as debt management companies, to manage them, which may require negotiations to reduce the outstanding debt so that the debtor c

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Pointing out that the concept of "buying bad debt" is possible, fearing the double-edged sword of supporting banks and falling into a debt trap

Dr. Wichai Wittayakiatlert, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Thammasat University, said that this is a major measure that will directly affect Thailand's debt structure. Data from 2023 found that Thailand's household debt was worth 15.54 trillion baht, of which about 4% was non-performing loans (NPLs), or

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